Harrow Primary Cluster
Procurement of an outsourced cleaning contract
Two primary schools approached Schools’ Buying Club when the Local Authority announced that they were ceasing their cleaning service. It was the first time the schools had gone to tender for a fully outsourced contract, and Schools’ Buying Club supported the end to end procurement process. The process resulted in savings of £84k against the most expensive bidder.
“Having been unsatisfied with our existing cleaning contract and contract performance, I was introduced to Schools’ Buying Club at an ISBL Conference. I have been working with them since the start of the year to run a joint procurement process in conjunction with another school in our West Harrow cluster. The process has been efficient and well led and we are very pleased with the outcome and contract award to our new provider. The procurement advice and support we have received during this process has been invaluable and we have felt well supported during the transitional period.” Kirsten Beaven, Schools’ Business Leader