Let’s Talk Frameworks!
We often get asked about frameworks – what are they? How do they work and what are the benefits? To help we have put together a simple guide of everything you need to know, including the different types of frameworks and suggested frameworks for the education sector. So, let’s talk frameworks…
Click here to read our simple guide: Let’s Talk Frameworks
If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact us via our free Procurement Helpline. It’s simple, fill in the online form, use the webchat or email helpline@schoolsbuyingclub.com and our procurement specialists will assist you.
Schools’ Buying Club
@SchoolsBuyClubJust one week left!
Don’t miss out on our webinar which is exclusive to SBMs in the Midlands 📌
@laurahiggsSBC is set to discuss the differences between mini competitions & direct awards to help you identify the best solution for your school.
Sign up > bit.ly/3BscpVC https://t.co/Qe3K08ZYJl
Schools’ Buying Club
@SchoolsBuyClubToday we celebrate the International Day of Families.
Let's take a moment to appreciate the important role our loved ones play in our lives. #FamilyDay https://t.co/VR21ZHCiPq
Schools’ Buying Club
@SchoolsBuyClubAttention all SBM procurement professionals in the Midlands!
Join us on May 25th for a exclusive webinar led by @laurahiggsSBC who will be sharing her insights & expertise on the essentials of procurement planning.
Sign up to claim your seat > bit.ly/3MrQOmo https://t.co/QIW6Io4d4b