Serving up nutritional meals needn’t cost the earth!
The British Nutrition Foundation’s Healthy Eating Week starts on 28th September, promoting healthy habits in schools across the country – but you don’t have to spend more on your catering contract to serve up nutritional meals.
Through our award-winning end-to-end procurement service, Schools’ Buying Club can help you serve healthier meals to your pupils. We do the hard work for you, making sure that you get a bespoke catering service tailored to your school, whether that means all-organic produce, vegan options or meat free Mondays.
We will build the nutritional values important to your school into the bid specification and embed nutrition KPIs into your contract, which we’ll review annually for you.
We run the entire tender process from start to finish and there is no direct fee, our costs are paid by the successful supplier!
Here’s how we helped a previous client…
Swalecliffe, Hoath & Chislet Primary Schools in Kent came together to procure their catering service. The schools were looking for nutritious and well presented meals for pupils and staff that complied with the government’s nutritional standards and Ofsted guidance for catering.
Schools’ Buying Club attracted nine suppliers to the request for tender and after a rigorous and thorough evaluation process, put in place a new catering contract which provided improved food quality and presentation as well as a guaranteed income of £68K over the three year contract to the schools.
See more of our case studies here.
Contact us today and we can accurately calculate if you could be saving money on your catering provision or even generating a profit.
Simply contact us here and one of our procurement specialists will get in touch. We look forward to hearing from you.

Schools’ Buying Club
@SchoolsBuyClubJust one week left!
Don’t miss out on our webinar which is exclusive to SBMs in the Midlands 📌
@laurahiggsSBC is set to discuss the differences between mini competitions & direct awards to help you identify the best solution for your school.
Sign up > bit.ly/3BscpVC https://t.co/Qe3K08ZYJl

Schools’ Buying Club
@SchoolsBuyClubToday we celebrate the International Day of Families.
Let's take a moment to appreciate the important role our loved ones play in our lives. #FamilyDay https://t.co/VR21ZHCiPq

Schools’ Buying Club
@SchoolsBuyClubAttention all SBM procurement professionals in the Midlands!
Join us on May 25th for a exclusive webinar led by @laurahiggsSBC who will be sharing her insights & expertise on the essentials of procurement planning.
Sign up to claim your seat > bit.ly/3MrQOmo https://t.co/QIW6Io4d4b